A guide to buying your first (Australian) tarantula – Part One: Do you need a permit?
So you’re ready to take the plunge. Dogs? Been there, done that. Cats? Too mainstream.
Following the Bug Blog will keep you informed with the latest invertebrate discoveries, allow you to get to know us better with our activity updates, and increase your knowledge about invertebrates and our collection and bug supplies.
Following the Bug Blog will keep you informed with the latest invertebrate discoveries, allow you to get to know us better with our activity updates, and increase your knowledge about invertebrates and our collection and bug supplies.
So you’re ready to take the plunge. Dogs? Been there, done that. Cats? Too mainstream.
Welcome back to our four part series on getting your first pet tarantula. Make sure
It’s week three of our four part series on Australian tarantula basics, so if you’re
Here we conclude our four part series on getting your first pet Australian tarantula. If
It’s that time of year again at Minibeast Wildlife when we are pairing up many
‘I just bought a tarantula and it won’t eat! What do I do?’ ‘My spider
It’s often tempting to buy the biggest most impressive specimens, but if those animals have been taken straight from the wild, there are issues you should be aware of.
Is your tarantula a male or female? How can you tell? In this article we’ll show you how to sex your tarantula!
The Semi-social Pygmy Tarantula (Coremiocnemis sp.) is a fascinating tarantula local to the Cairns region
We’ve all at one time or another experienced the unique joy of being trapped in
We are in the the middle of a Rainbow Stag bonanza. We have just had
Our first batch of baby tarantulas for this season have emerged. These are Phlogius species
Minibeast Wildlife’s Alan Henderson has just released a new book titled ‘Minibeasts – True rulers
A little while back we trialed some short informative videos under the banner of Minibeast
Minibeast Wildlife’s Alan Henderson spent the weekend working with Deadly 60’s Steve Backshall in the
Late last year Minibeast Wildlife worked on a new TV series for ABC3 called Bushwhacked
Here’s a Wolf spider we recently found on a trip to Karma Waters Station in
We recently provided some of our huge Holconia immanis as stars in an upcoming car
Just recently we and our Redbacks had the enormous honour of working with the inspiring
The truth about Australia’s most deadly bugs that bite and sting
A metallic-silver spider previously unknown in Australia has been found living at multiple sites near Darwin
One of the strangest things about living life as a minibeast (apart from having all
If you live in one of the cooler, wetter climes of Australia, you might have
Have you heard there’s a new spider in town with a thirst for possum blood?
You’re reclining on your couch in the late evening, watching something on TV and thinking
If you live in Australia, there’s one universal truth: you’ve got spiders in or around
What is Australia’s biggest moth? It’s Hercules. You might know Hercules as the Roman god
Have you ever felt like you were being watched? Perhaps you were. Insects’ lives break
Who doesn’t love a stick with legs – especially one this stunning? The Darwin Stick
Two Garden Orb-weavers put on a high-wire courtship display adjacent to our rainforest balcony here
Minibeast Wildlife is engaging students throughout the Wet Tropics, visiting schools in Cairns, the Northern Beaches and the Tablelands.
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, we have obviously had to suspend our physical incursion
Minibeast Wildlife has recently started a new YouTube channel ‘Spiderchat with Saige’ hosted by our 10
Many children wake up on Easter morning to discover that a large, hopping visitor has
Our Australian spider identification app has been released! The app is called Spidentify and is
It has arrived! Let me introduce Minibeast Wildlife’s first published book, “There’s a Zoo in
In 2011 we posted an April Fools joke on our blog site Minibeast Wildlife –